Sport is incredibly demanding on the body for example, swinging a golf club places forces over 8 times bodyweight on the lower back. Playing and practicing your sport will result in many repetitive efforts constantly wearing the same tissue and joints.
This repetitive nature creates the potential of overuse or injury However, appropriate strength training has been shown to minimise injury potential and reduce the recovery if it does along with many performance benefits.
Following the philosophy of the stability/mobility model we encourage your body to work in an alternating pattern of stable segments followed by mobile joints to avoid any dysfunction or pain. For this model to be effective we develop all aspects of fitness Strength, Speed, Balance, Flexibility, Coordination, Mobility, Stability and Position.
Our assessment provides the chance to assess your current state of trainability and determine why you may not be able to perform a certain movement or function to achieve positions. We can find mobility and/or stability dysfunctions which will then create a roadmap of progression and regressions for your programming by determining areas that need attention and constructing movement strategies to fit your needs.
Where are you? What needs fixed? Where need to go!